Sustainable Conferences & Events

Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions seem to be on everyone’s mind today, and for good reason. No matter what your organisation, sustainable conferences are the way of the future. Not only has the government introduced the goal of a carbon neutral public service by 2020, but many businesses have recognised the competitive edge that sustainability can give them in the burgeoning ‘green’ market. We help our clients make environmentally sound decisions in all aspects of event planning. This includes the choices we give for paper suppliers, venues, accommodation, food and beverage, and transport. We also provide options for minimising or neutralising the carbon emissions associated with planning and holding events.

We take every opportunity to work with our clients to strike a balance between excessive resource usage and providing delegates with the information they require.  Conferences and events generally generate significant amounts of COemissions, due to the often large amount of travel by delegates and speakers, and the unavoidable energy use at the venue. We encourage organisations, as well as delegates, to make their event or event attendance carbon-neutral. This can be done through minimising waste and using recyclable products, and by off-setting green-house gas emissions by purchasing carbon credits.

Flow Events is a proud member of the Sustainable Business Network, and as a company, is committed to minimising the impact of our own busines operations on the environment. View our information on the SUSTAINABLE GREENLIST DIRECTORY.


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